Reptile party®? Party with reptiles in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Reptile party ? Partying on ? ... Well, if you are based in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, then forget the wiggles, Hi five, McDonald's, Kids Zones and the rest.
Nothing competes with Snakebusters and Australia's best live reptiles party to give the kids or adults a great reptile party.
Our reptile party will appeal to all age groups and gender ... no one will feel left out at a snake busters reptile party.
What's more, our reptile party is educational, interactive, and "hands on" so they actually learn things of use at the same time at their reptile party.
At our reptile party, people learn the basics of snake safety, conservation of wildlife, how they live and yes even get the chance to touch, handle or even hug reptiles if they want to. Yes, Snakebusters are the "hands on" people. No one does more "hands on" than snakebusters at a snakebusters reptile party.
A reptile party with us is totaly safe as the reptiles used at the snakebusters reptile party are tame and used to being handled making the kids reptile party unbeatable. They are "non-biting" kinds, so the worst possible outcome is probably being peed on, which usually gets a giggle from the others.
A reptile party with us often has adults getting more from the party than the kids.
Our animals include crocodiles, the world's deadliest snakes (exclusive to us and also exclusive to us is guaranteed safety, because they are alone in Australia in being vet certified surgically devenomized, which is better also for the welfare of the snakes). We don't take risks with your kids.
Adults and kids learn things that they never knew from Australia's leading reptile experts, including Australia's snake man Raymond Hoser and also often get their first ever close encounters with reptiles in an educational reptile party setting with reptiles.
Raymond Hoser has two young kids of his own (aged 3 and 5 in 2004, or 7 and 9 in 2008) and so he knows their "on" and "off" buttons like only a parent at a party can ... (as it happens, none of our competitors even have kids!).
What makes a snakebusters party better than other advertised "reptile party's"?
Several things actually, (see the link for all shows and party's), but the main thing that people notice is that our shows, party's and educational school incursions are "full-on - hands-on" as in usually everyone holds pretty much everything - AND - without waiting.
Lots more critters at a time at a snakebusters reptile party and kids can hang onto their reptiles rather than handing them on at our reptile party, because we bring enough for everyone to hold at the same time!
We bring dozens of critters!
No other kid's reptile party, educational school incursion with reptiles or similar comes close to a snakebusters reptile party. Yes our reptile party is the party to end all partys!
Deadly snakes that don't bite in a kid's reptile party setting (another Snakebusters exclusive), harmless snakes in huge numbers at your reptile party, monster pythons, lizards, crocodiles, tortoises, frogs, a gift that isn't junk, etc ... we bring the lot!
Pricing is usually $600 per kids reptile party (Melbourne metro / 2023 rates), without last-minute hidden extras, and less per session if several kid's reptile party's are booked at once.And with Snakebusters in Melbourne, Victoria Australia, you get the extra's without paying extra!
Snakebusters are alone in Melbourne, in not quoting surcharges for Crocodiles (such as the day before the party), no more dollars to bring the deadly snakes (illegal for other company's), not quoting extra for extra kids above some miniscule number (no limit on kids at our parties!) and free invitations to our reptile parties (see links here).
To book Snakebusters at your reptile party or event ...
It is best to phone us (day or evenings are OK), rather than send an e-mail. We don't get all e-mails sent and don't necessarily respond to them straight away. More importantly, as Australia's most sought after reptile party, school incursions and the like, we are always heavily booked, so it is best to book Snakebusters and their live reptiles before sending out invitations and the like for Australia's best reptile party.
Further details: Phone (Melbourne) (03) 9812 3322 or mobile - (within Australia) 0412 777 211.
Snakebusters® are the most frequently demanded reptile show in Melbourne, Victoria for several reasons including:
1 - Snakebusters are alone with Melbourne's only legal venomous snake show, because only Snakebusters have the expertise to have vet certified surgically devenomized snakes, for your guaranteed safety and the welfare of the snakes. We don't belt ours around with sticks and tongs.
2 - Snakebusters are the only hands on reptiles parties or shows that allows people to hold the animals. All other less experienced outfits only do uninteresting "static displays" or boring "show and tell".
3 - The owner of Snakebusters® is Australia's Snakeman®, Raymond Hoser®, Australia's undisputed leading reptile expert.
Snakebusters®, snakebuster®, snake man®, snakeman®, reptile party®, reptile parties® and variants include globally registered trademarks for: